
Choosing a ‘Healthy Backpack’

August is the time when we start getting ready for our children to head back to school (I can hear the cheers from parents from here). A big part of that preparation is shopping for new shoes, new clothes, and school supplies and of course we can’t forget; a new back pack. Read more

The Nervous System

A Journey down the Nervous System

After working at Barrie Core Wellness Centre for the better part of 9 years, I have had the privilege of seeing firsthand how much a Chiropractor can change your life-even when you didn’t know it was something that could be changed-or in some cases, needed to be changed in that way.

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World Spine Day

Get Moving!!

Movement is crucial for a healthy Spine and Nervous System. Sitting is the new cigarette smoking in this day and age Healthy Posture ensures a health neurological environment in which healing and healthy self regulation can occur. Conversely, poor Posture shuts your brain off and creates devastating interference on your nervous system and creates Dis-Ease.

How are you promoting Healthy Spinal Posture?  Read more