Reader’s Choice Award For Physiotherapy in 2015
We would like to Thank all of our dedicated clients-new and old-for voting us the Reader’s Choice Recipient for Physiotherapy in Barrie for 2015.
We take great pride in our multi-disciplinary Physiotherapy practice. Each practitioner brings their own unique and strong abilities to the table for each individual client.
Clinic-wide communication regarding our clients is key in providing exceptional service as well as creating an empathsis on educating each person on how they can take ownership in strengthening and improving the results.
Our Physiotherapists; Samir Sahdev and Beata Sadowska are known for a hands on approach to Physiotherapy in addition to our Kinesiologists; Therese Wardell and Chris Nicholls who are key in strengthening practices.
We look forward to continuing to provide exceptional services for all of you and eagerly welcome new clients as we approach our 10 year anniversary in 2016!